Spider veins are a cluster of blood vessels under the skin that can resemble a tree branch or spider web. These veins develop when blood is not flowing through smaller vessels in the correct way due to a condition called venous insufficiency. The veins become enlarged and can appear in red, blue or purple tones. They can be found on the legs, thighs, face and feet, however they’re usually not cause for alarm. Spider veins are commonly found on women, and can cause unwanted self-esteem, insecurity, and aesthetic issues. There’s treatments, like Sclerotherapy, that can help get rid of spider veins. Let’s break down some common questions, and everything you need to know about spider vein removal.

How To Tell The Difference in Spider Veins vs. Varicose Veins?
While some people use these words interchangeably, there’s notable differences between the two. Spider veins appear towards the surface of the skin, and they supply blood to the skin and other superficial areas. Varicose veins are deeper, and when they become noticeable, they will pop out giving the vein a 3-D effect. These veins supply blood to deep muscle tissue, so they’re bigger and can become much more obvious. While spider veins cause aesthetic issues, sometimes varicose veins can be a sign of deeper problems if they appear in large quantities.
What Causes Spider Veins To Appear?
Spider veins can be a hereditary condition and show up predominately in women. We don’t get more veins as we age, they just become more visible on the skin’s surface. If you spend a lot of time in the sun, or sit and stand for long periods of time, you might be at a higher risk of getting spider veins. Some other factors that can influence spider vein development are age, pregnancy, and obesity. When you age your skin begins to thin, and this is a common reason many women see the emergence of spider and varicose veins that may have been concealed for years.
Common Causes:
- Age
- Hormonal changes
- Genetics
- Sedentary lifestyle
- Uncontrolled high blood pressure
- Excess weight around the abdomen
- Thinning skin
- Weakened valve within the vein
- Steroid use
- Vigorous exercise

Will Spider Veins Go Away On Their Own?
It’s rare that spider veins will go away on their own without proper treatment. If you want to reduce appearance, it’s recommended to get treatment from a medical professional to have them removed permanently. If you notice your veins are rapidly getting worse, or you experience aches and pain in the legs, then it’s important to get examined by a doctor.
Oftentimes, spider veins won’t cause any symptoms aside from visual problems. While it’s possible to live with spider veins, they can be harmful to your self-confidence. Many people feel insecure in their bodies, especially with age, with the appearance of spider veins. While there’s possible influences, it might be an unavoidable aspect of your genetics. There’s no reason to be ashamed of your spider veins, and there’s professionals that can help restore your confidence with safe removal procedures.
Can I Prevent Spider Veins?
Spider Veins are not always avoidable but there’s ways you can promote healthy circulation to strengthen your valves, and prevent them from getting worse with time. In general, these tips are beneficial for everyone whether you’re experiencing spider veins or not. The strength of the skin barrier, and blood flow throughout the body are two important factors.
- Wear sunscreen
- Don’t sit/stand for too long
- Elevate your legs
- Get good footwear
- Wear compression stockings
- Maintain a healthy weight
Eat less salt and more fiber - Exercise regularly
Spider Vein and Varicose Vein Treatment: Sclerotherapy
While these veins might feel like something you have to live with forever, there’s options that can remove their appearance and restore your self esteem. Asclera is an FDA-approved treatment used in a procedure called sclerotherapy.
Sclerotherapy is a minimally invasive procedure that treats varicose and spider veins. This treatment injects chemicals, known as sclerosing agents, into damaged veins. The sclerosing liquid causes the lining of the vein to seal shut, and eliminates the vein completely. There are many veins in the leg, and there is no negative impact that occurs from sclerotherapy. After the procedure, blood flows through the healthy veins instead of the diseased vein.
Sclerotherapy reduces the appearance of these veins, and can also reduce pain or unnecessary side effects caused by these conditions. An estimated 20 percent of adults will be affected by varicose veins throughout their life. It’s important to be aware of your treatment options and what’s right for you.
What Are The Benefits of Sclerotherapy?
There are various sclerotherapy treatments that make it a reliable option for people looking to repair their spider or varicose veins without extreme surgical intervention.
- High success rate
- Quick treatment and outpatient procedure
- Not surgically invasive
- Minimal discomfort
- Improved appearance of legs or effected areas
- Blood flow is improved and swelling is reduced
- No anesthesia required
Sclerotherapy can be used to treat affected areas on the thighs, calves, ankles, feet and face.
How Sclerotherapy Works?
Most people with varicose or spider veins can be a candidate for sclerotherapy, and is popular for people between the age of 30 and 60. Depending on the severity of the condition, sclerotherapy treatment can take about 30-45 minutes. The procedure begins with the doctor cleaning the area around the targeted veins. With a fine needle, your doctor will inject the damaged vein with a sclerosing agent. Based on the size of the treated vein or veins, you may need up to four treatments.
What To Expect After Sclerotherapy?
The major benefit of this procedure is there is little to no downtime. You likely will be able to return to your everyday activities immediately. You might be advised to do the following as post-treatment care options.
- Wear compression socks or stockings during the day.
- Take pain medicine such as Tylenol to treat any pain or discomfort.
- Avoid aspirin or ibuprofen.
Avoid sunlight, hot baths, saunas, swimming pools, and the beach during the first two days after treatment. - Stay active to reduce the chance of blood clots, but avoid overly strenuous exercise
- In some instances, you might be advised not to fly for several days.
After treatment you might see slight bruising on the affected area, but these will disappear in the first week. Most patients experience a 70% reduction, and final results become apparent after a couple of months. Sclerotherapy is a safe and reliable option for anyone looking to get rid of varicose and spider veins
Struggling With Varicose And Spider Veins?
If you are looking for professional treatment for spider and varicose veins, contact us at Vanity Medical Spa for more information or to schedule a consultation at 201-815-5950 and explore all options available for you. We look forward to taking care of you.
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