If you’ve been losing weight consistently, you know what a struggle it is to minimize the stubborn belly fat that hangs around, keeping you from being able to celebrate your achievements or from wearing that bikini you were hoping to pull out for the summer. If this situation sounds familiar, CoolSculpting® might be the ideal choice for helping you get the body you want in a way that is minimally invasive, easy, and most importantly, effective.

Why Belly Fat Hangs Around After Losing Weight?
According to Health.com, belly fat can hang around after you lose weight for all kinds of reasons: because you’re getting older, you’re not getting enough sleep, you’re too stressed out, or even because that’s the natural shape of your body. It isn’t necessarily because you’re not working out enough or eating the right foods; sometimes, even with a successful weight loss plan, we still don’t have the look we want, especially when it comes to stubborn belly fat.
This can be frustrating, but it doesn’t mean there’s nothing you can do about it. In fact, there are many ways you can deal with stubborn fat stores, especially in areas like the belly, the thighs, the buttocks, the back, and the chin. Many of these methods, however, are invasive, such as liposuction or involve even more lifestyle changes to your diet and exercise routine. But why give up a good thing when it’s working and why go through an invasive surgery when an option like CoolSculpting exists?
CoolSculpting Gets Rid of Stubborn Belly Fat
CoolSculpting, an FDA-approved treatment for stubborn areas of fat that involves freezing the fat cells until they are destroyed and reabsorbed into the body, is a great way to get rid of the last little areas where you are storing fat. Places that are resistant to normal weight loss techniques can be targeted with CoolSculpting so you can get the body you want right now!
CoolSculpting Can Work for You
If you have been losing weight consistently and are almost where you want to be but aren’t quite happy with your body, don’t fret. Lots of people experience this same problem. Fortunately, CoolSculpting is meant to deal with this specific issue in order to give you the options you want to create the body of your dreams.
People who are within 20 pounds of their ideal weight and who are healthy are the best candidates for CoolSculpting because it offers the opportunity to home in on specific problem areas and to make a real change. If you’re tired of trying to lose those last few pounds around your stomach, let us help you find out if CoolSculpting is the best choice for you!

Want to Learn More About CoolSculpting?
Vanity Medical Spa offers consultations as well as CoolSculpting treatments for stubborn belly fat as well as other areas of excess fatty tissue on the body. Call 201-815-5950 today to make an appointment and change your life for the better.
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